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Academic integrity

All students must pay critical attention to academic integrity.

What is it about

Academic integrity means avoiding plagiarism and cheating, among other misconduct behaviours wiki.

A more concrete defintion of academic integrity is given as

Academic misconduct occurs when community members cheat, plagiarize, fabricate, or falsify information, or assist others in these actions. when a student misrepresents others’ work as their own or otherwise behaves so as to unfairly advantage themselves or another student academically. –OXY Occidental College

What does it cover

Students must gain a full understanding of the terms covered under acadmic ethics by reading this website.

科技工作者科学道德规范(试行) sumarises what are academic integrity and misconducts and the corresponding policies to deal with these in our country.

What should I do

Students must avoid all misconducts include but not limited to Cheating, Plagiarism, Fabrication, and Falsification. All research projects must be done and reported fairly, honestly, transparently, and responsibly.

Most students have the problem of not citing the correct source of information or citing WRONG sources.